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The Greerton Maarawaewae study

Te rangahau ki Greerton Mārawaewae

The Greerton Maarawaewae study

Tauranga City Council is looking at the future use of the Crown-owned Tauranga Racecourse Reserve in Greerton.

Update - August 2024

Councils deliberation report on the Greerton Maarawaewae Study options was discussed by Commissioners at a Council meeting on Monday 14 August 2023.

Agenda: Ordinary Council meeting and Minutes

The Greerton Maarawaewae Study options (10mb pdf)

In summary, the key recommendations are as follows.

A revised Option D called Community Plus - an adaptive future-proofed programme pathway is adopted.

Option D - Concept Plans for Community Plus (6mb pdf)

This option provides for greater recreational access to, and public use of the existing Racecourse Reserve while Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand continues progressing its business case on future site options for Tauranga Hospital. This is expected to be completed mid-2024.

Note: In September 2023, the timeline for business case completion was updated to be mid-2025 by Te Whatu Ora.

If the Te Whatu Ora business case identifies a need for the site, then Option A ‘heath and recreation’ will be taken forward by the Crown.

Option A - Health and Recreation (3.7mb pdf)

If the site is not required for health purposes, Option C - ‘enhanced status quo’, will be taken forward, with the racecourse retained alongside ongoing recreation and wider community enhancements.

Option C - Enhanced status quo  (8mb pdf)


Council will work with current leaseholders on concept plans for greater community access to the whole reserve land. This will include play areas, covered court space, planted/walkway areas, parking improvements, a skatepark and connections to Kopurererua Valley. The community will be invited to provide feedback later this year on what is proposed through the concept plan for the best use of the recreational space.

A new lease for Tauranga Golf Course is recommended, with the condition that greater community access is both enabled and encouraged, and that future infrastructure needs are catered for.

The Tauranga Equestrian Sports Association, which also uses the Racecourse Reserve, is having its future needs considered through the equestrian strategy – currently under development via Sport BOP and in conjunction with Equestrian Sport NZ.  

The recommendations in the report for enhanced community use of the Racecourse Reserve land align with the outcomes of the Our Direction project.

Tauranga City Council will further consider the Tauranga Racecourse lease when the business case for the new hospital is completed in July 2024. This business case will be a critical factor in determining what happens with the racecourse reserve land in the future.

Should the Racecourse need to move in the future as a result of Te Whatu Ora requiring some of the land for health purposes, there is a potential alternative location option available. (This remains confidential due to commercial sensitivities.)

Council will continue to engage with mana whenua on any matters to do with recreational and accessibility improvements to the Reserve land (particularly around the recognition of cultural history and narratives across this site) and notes the Te Whatu Ora business case, and any potential Treaty claim process arising, will remain between mana whenua and the Crown.  

Other resolutions in the report include:

  • a new governance arrangement to be established for the Racecourse Reserve  
  • the sub-regional Racing Working Group (which was established to consider possible future sites for a Bay of Plenty racecourse) to meet after deliberations and then recess until the health business case outcomes are known
  • funding for the development of the recreation and community improvements at the Racecourse will be considered via the Long-term Plan budget setting.


Document library

Options study progress report – May 2022

Options study progress report – April 2022

LTP 2021-2031 Submissions

The following submitters made a submission on the future of the racecourse and golf course.

Further information

Drone footage of the Greerton reserve land and surrounding area

Engagement with Tauranga's ethnic and multicultural leaders

Here's what you told us so far

In 2019 and 2020 we asked the people of the Te Papa peninsula what they valued about their existing neighbourhoods and what they would like to see in the future.

The following is a summary of what the people of Greerton and Gate Pā told us.

Thoughts about Te Papa - Gate Pā

  • Central
  • Quiet and safe
  • Services at a walkable distance
  • On bus routes
  • Sense of community - good neighbours
  • Parks need toilets and BBQs to be usable
  • Off-road linkages for cyclists and pedestrians
  • More public transport options
  • Traffic flows
  • More to do
  • More greenspace
  • Community centre
  • A safe community where everyone's needs are met
  • Vibrant neighbourhood with lots to do
  • Properly planned parks - safe, youth and child-friendly, toilets are important
  • Close to services
  • Good, safe, alternative transportation
  • Good parks and recreation spaces
  • Lots of trees and nature
  • Good living conditions and green space not sacrificed
  • No reactionary approach and "band-aid" fixes

Thoughts about Te Papa - Greerton

  • Central
  • Proximity to a variety of services
  • On bus routes
  • Family feel
  • Tight-knit community and good neighbours
  • Good parks nearby
  • Quiet
  • Upgrade existing facilities - Greerton Hall, pensioner housing, footpaths, quality of shops and cafes
  • More sports facilities to cater for population growth
  • Safer cycling routes, better access for walking
  • Ease congestion -'improvements' not working, better access to major transport routes
  • Less poverty/homelessness, more people owning their own home
  • Need good parks
  • Public and active transport modes
  • Better traffic flow
  • Safe and friendly
  • Some want Greerton to remain the same
  • Want to feel safe
  • Access to spaces such as Waimapu Estuary and Kopurererua Valley
  • Bustling centre with low cost activities


Key information

Project type
Arts and culture
Major projects
Planning, design and renewal
Parks and recreation


City centre
Gate Pā / Greerton / Avenues / Merivale

Key dates

  • Phase 1: we are listening to ideas from mana whenua, existing users, and the wider community, to help generate options to be considered during Phase 2

    Late October to Christmas 2021
  • Phase 2: we are seeking feedback from mana whenua, existing users, and the wider community to provide feedback on options that have been developed based on the ideas that have been shared

    Mid December 2021 to 6 March 2022
  • Update to the Commissioners - information on the project including the Phase 1 and Phase 2 engagement results and progress on the study options

    11 April 2022
  • Recommendations to the Commissioners – recommendations on next steps forward including the final phase of engagement (Phase 3)

    13 June 2022
  • Phase 3: we are consulting with mana whenua, exiting users, the wider community and those that provided feedback previously, to identify a preferred option based on previous feedback and the multi-criteria analysis assessment

    27 July to 5pm 29 August 2022
  • Hearings

    3 and 4 April 2023
  • Deliberations (Council’s recommendations to the Crown)

    14 August 2023
  • Engagement with stakeholders and user groups

    Through to end of 2023
  • Business case for new hospital completed by Te Whatu Ora

    Mid 2025

Who's listening

Community Relations Team
Tauranga City Council

Email: greertonmaarawaewae@tauranga.govt.nz
Phone: 07 577 7000

Other ways to get involved

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Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement

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