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greerton FAQS

Ngā pātai a te rangahau ki Greerton Mārawaewae

The Greerton Maarawaewae study FAQs

Questions and answers about The Greerton Maarawaewae study

The study is looking at options that go 10, 20, 30 and 50 years into the future.

No decisions have been made, but with 15,000 more people expected to live on the Te Papa peninsula, more homes and quality housing choices will be needed as part of creating better connected and planned neighbourhoods. Kāinga Ora is working in partnership with the Council to explore with the community how best to meet the future needs of our growing city for people and whānau to live, work and play.

Tauranga City Council and Kāinga Ora are engaging directly with mana whenua in this process and we’re working with them to identify their future aspirations for the reserve land, as well as the views of the wider community.

To date, mana whenua have clearly stated that their position is to see community purpose reserve use continue over the site. 

The Crown owns all 85ha. The Council is the administering body. The Tauranga Racecourse Reserve Charitable Trust manages the leases on behalf of the Council. The Golf Club has an additional lease outside the Crown reserve land and adjoining Kopurererua Valley Reserve of approximately 6.7ha.


  • 12 race meetings annually
  • 520 Club members
  • 10 horse-training businesses
  • 100,000 attendance at the Events Centre throughout the year (est).


  • Membership – 850+
  • Club, Golf Pro shop and training staff – 25 staff
  • 60,000 rounds (est) played annually).

The Tauranga Equestrian Sports Association:

  • Nine different disciplines/groups ranging from 20-50 members each.

Both leases are due for renewal in 2039.

The Messara Report into the state of the racing industry recommended reducing the number of racecourses in NZ from 48-28. Tauranga was identified as being an important location for the industry.

The Study will look at a wide range of options – some of which may include changes to the current land uses. But these options will be discussed openly and with the wider community before any decisions are made. Any option that does not provide alternative locations for the current land uses would not be considered feasible.

The property is zoned Passive Open Space and is further identified as a Scheduled Site to be protected as open space and for recreation activities. Any change to the status of this land would need to go through a significant plan change process.

The Te Papa peninsula, which this reserve is part of, has been identified by the Council and wider SmartGrowth partnership as one of the priority development areas to support future growth needs for the city and wider Western Bay.

The web page will have a form you can use to share your ideas – this will be available next week. In the meantime, you can email your thoughts directly to: greertonmaarawaewae@tauranga.govt.nz or send us a letter. There will also be a shop front in Greerton and two community days where you can meet the team and share your ideas (Sunday 14 November, from 12pm and Thursday 18 November, 4-7pm (more details to come).

More information is coming out about these next week. Flyers are coming out to homes on 2/3 November with more information.

Other ways to get involved

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