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Completed projects

Below is a list of completed projects over the last couple of years.

Project name Description Project completion date
Local Alcohol Policy changes

Council has approved a new Local Alcohol Policy (LAP) that came into effect on 8 July 2024.

Local Alcohol Policy (442kb pdf)

July 2024
Kopurererua Valley Reserve Restoration Kopurererua Valley Reserve (the valley) is one of Tauranga’s largest reserves and provides a variety of different recreational and ecological experiences on your doorstep. July 2024
Beacon Wharf redevelopment The newly upgraded Beacon Wharf is open for the community, restoring an important connection to Te Awanui Tauranga Harbour. June 2024
Elizabeth Street upgrade

We’ve upgraded Elizabeth Street to create an attractive and safe, people-friendly environment for everyone to enjoy.

April 2024
Civic precinct IFF levy consultation

How should we pay for the community-funded portion of the future civic precinct - Te Manawataki o Te Papa?

TMOTP IFF Levy Report (2mb pdf)

March 2024
What's changed - Cameron Road Stage 1

We have upgraded Cameron Road to make it safer, more attractive, and provide more ways to travel.

Find out more about what's happening on Cameron Road

February 2024
Wairoa cycleway The Wairoa Cycleway makes it safer to cycle along the narrow strip of State Highway 2 (SH2) between the Wairoa Bridge and Bethlehem. February 2024
Gambling Venues and Street Use Policies, and Traffic & Parking Bylaw

We’re suggesting updates to the Gambling Venues and Street Use Policies as well as the Traffic and Parking Bylaw.

Gambling Venues Policy (330kb pdf) Street Use Policy (144kb pdf) Traffic and Parking Bylaw (271kb pdf)

February 2024
Recreation at The Lakes

As part of the 2021-2031 Long-term Plan (LTP) Council resolved to support the delivery of recreational facilities at The Lakes.

Recreation at the Lakes

December 2023
Marine Parade Coastal Path

The Marine Parade pathway curves alongside the beach and provides many opportunities for locals and visitors to embrace this stunning section of coastline.

Marine Parade coastal pathway

December 2023
Dive Crescent Car Park Upgrade We have upgraded the Dive Crescent car park as part of our plans to revitalise the city centre and transform the waterfront in this area. December 2023
Tunks Reserve and Elizabeth Street East upgrade

The upgrade of the lookout from Tunks Reserve is now complete, making this an even better place to enjoy the views out over Te Awanui Tauranga Harbour. We have also be upgraded the streetscape to complement the work currently underway on Elizabeth Street between Devonport Road and Grey Street, creating an attractive and safer environment for the community.

December 2023
Ōmanawa Falls Safe Access Project Ōmanawa Falls is a special area in the rohe of local hapū Ngāti Hangarau. Now, after safe access works to reinforce cliff faces and build walking tracks, the site is open to the public. November 2023
Whakahou Taketake Vital Update - Tauranga 2023 Vital Update - Tauranga is a research project to help us hear from our different communities about what is going well and the issues that pose challenges. November 2023
Procurement drop in sessions 30-minute face-to-face sessions were held for suppliers to meet our procurement team, learn about working with us and share ideas. November 2023
Opal Drive wastewater pipeline upgrade Pāpāmoa Tauranga City Council is renewing a section of the wastewater pipeline in Pāpāmoa as part of a vital infrastructure upgrade. October 2023
Seismic strengthening at our parking buildings Elizabeth Street parking building and Spring Street parking building have had strengthening work carried out, to reduce risks to users and potential damage that a significant earthquake could cause. October 2023
Community Funding Policy Review

Council adopted the Community Funding Policy on 30 October 2023.

Community Funding Policy (204kb pdf)

October 2023
Bureta Road/Vale Street intersection safety upgrade This upgrade, which included the installation of a roundabout and three pedestrian crossings, has been completed. August 2023
Tauranga City Council’s Our Direction project

Our action and investment plans (AIPs) have now been adopted at the Council meeting on 21 August 2023.

August 2023
Reserves and Open Space Action and Investment Plan

This Reserves and Open Space Action and Investment Plan (AIP) helps to deliver on our city vision, our primary strategy for a well-planned city (Connected Centres), and the Our Public Places Strategic Plan. 

Reserves and Open Space AIP (1.1mb pdf)

August 2023
Play, Active Recreation and Sport Action and Investment Plan

This Play, Active Recreation and Sport Action and Investment Plan helps to deliver on our city vision, our primary strategy for a well-planned city Connected Centres Programme (UFTI), and the Our Public Places Strategic Plan.  

Play, Active Recreation and Sport Action and Investment Plan (1.2mb pdf)

August 2023
Public Places Action and Investment Plan Our public places are where people can gather, relax, and enjoy themselves.

Our Public Places Strategic Plan (991kb pdf)

August 2023
Accessible Tauranga Action and Investment Plan

This Accessible Tauranga Action and Investment Plan helps to deliver on our city vision and the Tauranga Mataraunui - Inclusive City Strategy. 

Accessible Tauranga Action and Investment Plan (962kb pdf)

August 2023
Art, Culture and Heritage Action and Investment Plan

This Art, Culture and Heritage Action and Investment Plan helps to deliver on our city vision and the Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy. 

Art, Culture and Heritage AIP (906kb pdf)

August 2023
Nature and Biodiversity Action and Investment Plan

The Nature and Biodiversity AIP helps to deliver on our city vision and the Tauranga Taurikura 2022-2032 draft Environment Strategy.

Nature and Biodiversity AIP (922kb pdf)

August 2023
Community Centres Action and Investment Plan

We have developed a Community Centres Action and Investment Plan that sets out a vision, guiding principles and strategic outcomes for the community centre network

Community Centres Action and Investment Plan (1mb pdf)

August 2023
Climate Action and Investment Plan

This Climate Action and Investment Plan (Climate AIP) outlines the actions that TCC will take towards the city-wide goal in Tauranga Taurikura (TCC’s Environment Strategy)  for a ‘low emissions and climate resilient city’ by focussing on two main climate adaptation and climate mitigation goals.

Tauranga Climate Action and Investment Plan AIP – Final Draft 21 August 2023 (2.7mb pdf)

August 2023
Safer Communities Action and Investment Plan This Safer Communities Action and Investment Plan helps to deliver on our city vision and the Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy.

Safer Communities Action and Investment Plan 2023-33 (900kb pdf)

August 2023
Pyes Pa walkway The Pyes Pa walkway provides recreational walking and cycling opportunities in the area and improves connections through the suburbs with a safer and more accessible route. The pathway is a network length of approximately 2.5km. June 2023
Take me to the future: Ōtūmoetai 2050 Following more than 2000 pieces of feedback, council has now adopted the Ōtūmoetai Spatial Plan, Te Mahere Takiwā mō Ōtūmoetai 2023 – 2050. This plan will guide future development on the peninsula and identifies projects that will support community wellbeing between now and 2050.

Ōtūmoetai Spatial Plan

May 2023
New facilities at Waterford Downs Reserve As a well-used reserve, that already offers open green space, play equipment, BBQ’s and seating, a 2-bay public toilet, including baby changing table and water fountain, will be installed on the park.

View the list of Public Toilets

May 2023
Youth Spaces Feasibility Study As Tauranga continues to grow, we need to make sure that our city develops to meet the needs of young people and that their ideas and opinions are heard. April 2023
Waiāri Water Supply Scheme

The Waiāri Water Supply Scheme is designed to help meet future water supply needs of Tauranga and the wider Western Bay of Plenty.

Waiāri Water Supply Scheme

March 2023
Willow Street demolition

Our old administration and library building at 95 Willow Street has been demolished to make way for a new civic precinct in the city centre, called Te Manawataki O Te Papa – translated literally, this means ‘the heartbeat of Te Papa’.

Willow Street demolition

February 2023
Pacific Park upgrade We’ve upgraded the park with a new playground and improvements to park access and features including new paths, a drinking fountain and seating.

Pacific Park

December 2022
Use of Council Land Policy With a growing community and increased use and demand, we started reviewing how we’re managing the use of places and spaces.

Use of Council Land Policy (77kb pdf)

December 2022
Accessible changing facility We want Tauranga to be an inclusive city where everyone in our community can participate fully. To support this goal, we’re working to remove barriers faced by disabled people. This facility has been designed to support our disabled community and others who are unable to use the existing accessible public toilets.

Accessible Changing Facility

November 2022
Should we continue to allow trading on Easter Sunday Council adopted the reviewed Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy on 3 October 2022, which continues to allow trading in all of Tauranga on Easter Sunday. October 2022
Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2022-2028 Our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) contains an overview of the kind of waste issues we’re dealing with in our city, our vision, goals and objectives, and our action plan to achieve them. It outlines how we will manage our city’s commercial and household waste to 2028. August 2022
Long-term Plan 2021-31 Amendment   June 2022
Kulim Park upgrade In 2021-22 we made some changes to make Kulim Park to make it even better, including a new playground, new parking layout and shared pathway.

Kulim Park

May 2022
Proposed partial reclassification, Golf Road Golf Road Reserve Approval has been granted for the partial reclassification of Golf Road Reserve to facilitate the relocation of the Mount Maunganui Playcentre. February 2022

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Tauranga is your city. We're working to make it even better.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement

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