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Hangaia tā tātou anamata. Cameron rori - Te Papa

Building our future. Cameron Road - Te Papa

We’re working to create a place where more people can live, learn, work and play, and provide more ways to move around.

Cameron Road project banner

Building our future. Cameron Road, Te Papa

Find out more about our plans for Stage 2: 17th Avenue to Cheyne Road, Pyes Pā.

Building our future. Cameron Road Stage 2

Cameron Road is one of our city’s main arteries, connecting people in Tauranga’s southern suburbs to the city centre. It is an important through route and a destination for many with schools, businesses and the hospital located along it. As our city continues to grow, this key route will become even more important. This is why we're working to make changes now. We’re working with our regional and central Government partners, local residential and business communities and tangata whenua to ensure we get it right.

Find out more about what's happening on Cameron Road

Creating connected communities

We have been working with the community to develop a 30-year plan for Te Papa peninsula that will provide greater housing choices, safe and efficient transport options, local amenities and the infrastructure needed to support healthy and connected communities now and in the future.

The transforming of Cameron Road is the first project on the path to bringing this plan to life. It aligns with our city’s wider strategies, including the Urban Form Transport Initiative and Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan that have been endorsed by Council.

Te Papa community requests

Project delivery

This project has been broken into two stages:

Stage one - is from Harington Street to the hospital. The planning and construction for this has been funded by Central Government.

Stage two - is from the hospital to Barkes Corner, and the funding for developing a business case and design was included in the grant from Central Government.

Related projects

Building our future – Cameron Road, Te Papa is part of Council's wider strategic objectives to support the city's rapid growth.

The Te Papa Spatial Plan sets the strategic direction for growth in the area from Greerton to the city centre over the next 30 years. It addresses our key challenges of population growth and housing choice, infrastructure pressure, transport options, cultural wellbeing and the local amenities needed to support our communities. It outlines the overall approach, priority areas of focus, anticipated benefits and required actions.

Between 2020 and 2024, one of the key priorities will be the planning for and delivery of key transport infrastructure to link with the wider city through stage one and two of the Cameron Road Multimodal Project and city centre interventions.

Learn more about the spatial plan

We are working with SmartGrowth, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency to develop a 30-year plan for the city’s transport network called the Western Bay of Plenty Transport System Plan. This aims to make it easier to move around our city with a strong focus on giving people better transport options.

Right now, the rules in place for residential land make it hard for people to build more compact types of homes like duplexes and apartments. This means we're not using land as effectively as possible to accommodate our growth, and our community currently has a limited choice to build types of homes that may better suit their needs.

We are proposing changes to the Tauranga City Plan to allow people to build different types of dwellings more easily, that create both great spaces to live in and great neighbourhoods.

Learn more about the changes

Key information

Project type
Major projects
Planning, design and renewal
Transport and movement

City centre / Gate Pā / Greerton / Avenues / Merivale

Key dates

Who's listening

Transport Team
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

Virtual Room - Cameron Road

Cameron Road virtual info room

Explore our virtual room to find out more about our plans for Cameron Road Stage 2.

Visit the virtual info room

We’re partnering with

Local Iwi/Hapū

We began our conversation with the Tangata Whenua Collective in February 2018, talking with them about our study to improve provisions for public transport, walking and cycling through the Cameron Road corridor. In early 2020 the project team began to engage with local hapū Ngāi Tamarāwaho and Ngāti Tapu. We looked to them for collaboration and guidance from a placemaking perspective and bringing cultural aspects into the design process.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Waka Kotahi logo

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Bay of Plenty Regional Council logo

Community Liaison Group

The Community Liaison Group (CLG) was involved in the early stages of the project and was made up of representatives from the business community, residents, landowners and schools in the Stage one area of this project. The purpose of the CLG is to help make sure that this community was kept up-to-date and well informed about stage one of the project. This group of 30 helped the project design team through concept design into detailed design, working through localised concerns, and developing ideas and solutions.

Other stakeholders

Council worked closely with representatives from the University of Waikato, Emergency services (St John Ambulance, Fire and Emergency NZ, NZ Police), Council Special Interest Groups, Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty, Automobile Association, Road Transport Association, National Road Carriers, Cycle Action Tauranga, NZ Bus, an active bus user, Priority One, Environment and Sustainability Forum, Smartgrowth, Living Streets Aotearoa, and the Ministry of Education.

Other ways to get involved

Tauranga is your city. We're working to make it even better.

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