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Tauranga city water supply resource reconsents

Ensuring access to a secure and safe supply of water for our city is a priority for Council.

Our city’s water comes from three sources: the Waiorohi, Tautau and Waiāri Streams. Council holds resource consents to take water from these streams to supply Tauranga with water.

The current resource consents that allow Council to take water from the Waiorohi and Tautau streams, and treat it for use, will expire in 2026 and need to be reconsented. The consent to take water from the third stream, Waiāri, expires in 2044.

Reconsenting our city’s water supply will secure safe, reliable, and sustainable water for Tauranga for the next 30 years. This is Council’s priority. At the same time, we need to consider the city’s future needs as our population is estimated to grow from approximately 160,000 to 210,000 by 2050.


The Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) makes the decision about granting resource consents to take water from the streams. 

The BOPRC will consider the available water, flows required to keep the stream thriving and how much can be taken sustainably.

These water supplies are critical to the social and economic wellbeing and health of the Tauranga community, so it’s important we get this right.

Where does our water come from? 

Our water in Tauranga comes from three sources: the Waiorohi, Tautau and Waiāri Streams. 

Our resource consents to take water are like a maximum allowance that we can spend that day, however, we do not take more from the streams than our community needs on any day.

It’s vital we all use water wisely all year around. For more on how to make every drop count, check out our Water Watchers plan.

What’s next? 

We will continue working in partnership with mana whenua to develop the reconsent applications. We are focused on sourcing water in a way that protects the mauri of the wai (water). 

We will also be speaking to key stakeholders later in 2024 and in 2025. 

Stay informed 

You can keep visiting this webpage for updates or sign up for our Let’s talk Tauranga newsletter.

A water take is the removal of water from a water body, such as a stream, for a particular use. Water takes have many uses, from our city’s water supply through to electric power generation and irrigation.

The water takes we are applying for, in this case, relate only to our city’s water supply.

Consents are needed from regional councils for significant water takes to help ensure our natural and physical resources are allocated and used efficiently and sustainably. Water is a taonga (treasure), so it’s important we all make every drop count.

From our three streams (Waiorohi, Tautau and Waiāri), we are currently using 44 million litres a day, on average. In summer, this sometimes rises to 58 million litres.

A limit will be set for how much we can take from the Waiorohi and Tautau Streams each day. The regional council can apply other conditions if there are effects it wants to manage, such as protecting wildlife.

This consent only relates to two streams: Tautau and Waiorohi. We have an existing long-term consent in place for Waiāri until 2044.

Key information

Project type
Water services



Key dates

  • Engagement with mana whenua ongoing

    Late 2023
  • Technical assessments ongoing

    Late 2023
  • Engagement with key stakeholders

    Late 2024
  • Technical assessments and management plans complete

  • Prepare reconsenting application

    Late 2025
  • Lodge application

    March 2026

Who's listening

City Waters team
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

Other ways to get involved

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