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Whakapaakari ratonga waipara ki Pāpāmoa East

Strengthening wastewater services in Pāpāmoa East

We're upgrading the wastewater infrastructure in Pāpāmoa East to make sure our underground pipes and pump stations are fit for the area's future growth.

Papamoa area

New Opal Drive Pump Station

Find out more about our plans for Pāpāmoa East’s wastewater system.

New Opal Drive Pump Station

As part of our planned wastewater services upgrade in Pāpāmoa East, we will complete seven key projects between 2024 and 2042 to help build capacity and resilience in the wastewater network.

We know people want to live and work in Tauranga, and this is driving the need for significant investment to accommodate the growth we're experiencing in our Pāpāmoa East suburbs. Investment in these major projects will benefit those who live, work and spend time in the wider area both now and well into the future.

We continue to work closely with our colleagues in Tauranga City Council’s Transportation and Spaces and Places teams to coordinate our planning and delivery wherever possible during these projects. 

A resilient wastewater network

We’re making this investment now to make sure we have a wastewater network that is safe, robust, and fit for the future. The existing infrastructure is running out of capacity to service our growing suburbs, as well as upcoming developments like Te Tumu.

Significant investment is needed to provide wastewater services that help to protect the environment and public health, as well as a platform for future infrastructure in the wider area.

Our projects include:

  • Opal Drive wastewater pipeline upgrade - now complete
  • New Opal Drive Pump Station - underway
  • Te Tumu Rising Main - more information coming soon
  • Pāpāmoa wastewater Trunk Main Replacements - more information coming soon
  • Wairākei Pump Station - more information coming soon
  • Wairākei Rising Main - more information coming soon
  • Opal Drive to Te Maunga Rising Main - more information coming soon

Papamoa Wastewater Masterplan


Key information

Project type
Water services

Pāpāmoa/Pāpāmoa East

Key dates

  • New Opal Drive Pump Station 

  • Wairākei Pump Station

  • Wairākei Rising Main

  • Opal Drive to Te Maunga Rising Main

  • Pāpāmoa wastewater Trunk Main Replacements

  • Te Tumu Rising Main


Who's listening

Richard Conning
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

Opal Drive Pump Station

Pāpāmoa projects

Information here about Pāpāmoa projects.

Check out the Pāpāmoa projects

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