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Panonitanga Mahere Tūmataiti 39 - Rūritanga Whenua o Ōhauiti

Private Plan Change 39 - Upper Ohauiti Land Rezoning

To help meet the housing requirements of a growing city, a portion of land on Upper Ohauiti Road is proposed to be rezoned from Rural to Medium Density Residential.

Further submission period has closed

Thank you to everyone who made a further submission on Private Plan Change 39. Submissions and further submissions will be analysed and a hearing report will be prepared next.

A hearing date will be added here once a date is confirmed.


View the submissions report


Landsdale Development Limited have prepared this private plan change to create a new Medium Density Residential Zone and to reconfigure the existing Greenbelt Zone over the land located at 120 and 125 Upper Ohauiti Road.

What is proposed by the Plan Change?

This proposal seeks to urbanise land located on Upper Ohauiti Road through the creation of a new Medium Density Residential Zone. This proposed new residential zone would cover approximately 23.5 hectares (42%) of the total land area and include provisions that control the requirements and timing for future development.  These requirements include the medium density residential standards (MDRS), when upgrades to existing road corridors are to occur, the creation of new local roads and reserves within the site, and connections to Council reticulated water and wastewater services. The proposal also includes consideration of a range of stormwater management options to guide future development within the plan change area.


A map showing the location of the area subject to Private Plan Change 39 and a Draft Land Use Plan is shown below.

Map of 120 and 125 Upper Ohauiti Road

120 and 125 Upper Ohauiti Road (343kb pdf)

Map of 120 and 125 Upper Ohauiti Road

120 and 125 Upper Ohauiti Road - land use map (343kb pdf)

Key documents

Plan Change Report and Appendices

Key information

Project type
Planning, design and renewal


Welcome Bay / Ohauiti / Oropi

Key dates

  • Public notification of the Plan Change

    29 April 2024
  • Public submission period

    29 April 2024 – 24 May 2024
  • A summary of submissions is published and submitters are invited to make further submissions

     5 August 2024 – 16 August 2024
  • Hearings Panel or Independent Hearings Commissioner

    Potentially Late 2024
  • Council decision and plan change becomes operative

    Late 2024/Early 2025

Need help making your submission?

If you would like some guidance to lodge a submission, talk to our Friend of the Submitter. This a free service provided by an independent planner who is available to give advice on the submission process, what makes a good submission and how you can present your views.

Email: planchangesupport@resourceplanning.nz to arrange a time to chat.

Who's listening

City Planning & Growth
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000


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