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Plan change 35

Panonitanga Mahere Tūmataiti 35 - Rohe Pakihi o Tauriko (Wāhanga 4)

Private Plan Change 35 – Tauriko Business Estate (Stage 4)

Element IMF are the developers of the Tauriko Business Estate and have prepared a private plan change to allow development of Stage 4 of the Business Estate. The plan change will rezone the land from Rural to Tauriko Industrial, plus related zones.

Independent Hearing Commissioner's Recommendations.


The existing Tauriko Industry Zone land is close to reaching capacity and the developers of the Business Estate are seeking to extend the Zone. The land in question (along with other land) was transferred from Western Bay of Plenty District to Tauranga City in 2021.


A map showing the location of the area subject to Private Plan Change 35 (TBE Extension) is shown below.

Belk Road area

Belk road area (7mb pdf)

What is proposed by the Plan Change?

The area subject to Private Plan Change 35 covers some 133ha of which 110ha is proposed to be industrial. Approximately 80% is owned by Element IMF with the remainder being in the ownership of private parties. Development of the Zone is proposed to be staged, with triggers relating to State Highway 29 upgrades and wastewater capacity.

Key documents

Addendum to the Summary of Submissions (Decisions Requested) (30kb pdf)
Public Notice for the Addendum to the Summary of Submissions (Decisions Requested)
Further submission public notice
Summary of Submissions
Public notice

Independent Hearing Commissioner's Recommendations.

Hearing Schedule

Hearing Schedule (2mb pdf)

Legal submissions

Submitters Evidence

Proponent Statements of Evidence

Section 42A Report and associated documents

Section 32 Report and Appendices

Key information

Project type
Planning, design and renewal


Pyes Pa / Tauriko

Key dates

  • Public notification of the Plan Change and RMA Section 32 analysis

    11 March 2024
  • Public submission period

    11 March - 9 April 2024
  • A summary of submissions is published and submitters are invited to make further submissions

    20 May to 10 June 2024
  • Independent Commissioner Hearing

    20 August 2024
  • Council decision

    16 September 2024
  • Plan change opertaive

    Late 2024

What is a plan change?

A plan change is a change to our City Plan. This is a public process involving research, evaluation and consultation.

Plan change information


Need help making your submission?

If you would like some guidance to lodge a submission, talk to our Friend of the Submitter. This a free service provided by an independent planner who is available to give advice on the submission process, what makes a good submission and how you can present your views.

Email: planchangesupport@resourceplanning.nz to arrange a time to chat.

Who's listening

City Planning & Growth
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

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