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Pāpāmoa reserves

Whakahoutanga o ngā Papa Rāhui i Pāpāmoa

Pāpāmoa reserves upgrades

We live in a wonderful part of New Zealand and in Pāpāmoa there are many great parks and reserves enjoyed by the community.

Consultation is now open

Kohekohe Reserve greening project

We are making plans to enhance the natural environment at Kohekohe Reserve in Pāpāmoa East as part of our commitment to improving reserves through greening (planting).

We’d love to know what you think of our plans, which you can see in the Draft Concept Plan.

Our plans are focused on greening and planting, as well as completing the concrete pathway connecting the reserve to Te Okuroa Drive, so the playground and other reserve features will remain as they are.

Community consultation opens on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 and will run until 5pm, Monday, 13 January 2025

Share your feedback

Taylor Reserve concept plan

We are planning an upgrade to the Taylor Reserve. We are currently talking to the local community about what these future plans look like.

Taylor Reserve, formally known as Wairākei (meaning translucent waters), is of significant value to mana whenua and the local community. The focus of the design is on a natural coastal theme in keeping with the local area and representing the values of importance to mana whenua and the community.

Taylor Reserve location map

Latest update

Feedback for the proposed Taylor Reserve concept plan has now closed. Thank you everyone for your contributions, which we are currently reviewing. We will be in touch once we have updates on next steps.


This reserve is the former outlet of the Wairākei Stream (before the headwaters were diverted and the farmland was drained in the 1920’s–1950’s).The reserve is of high significance to multiple iwi for many reasons. In more recent times the mouth of the Wairākei Stream became the new boundary between Tauranga Moana iwi and Te Arawa iwi once peace was made following the musket wars of 1835-1845. In 1865 it became the confiscation boundary line for Tauranga Moana iwi.

Taylor Reserve is named after the Taylor Family who created the Taylor, Motiti and Karewa subdivisions in the 1950’s-1960’s.

Resource consent conditions for stormwater discharge to the Wairākei Stream include requirements for cultural recognition within Taylor Reserve, and the development of a supporting landscape plan. Implementation of cultural recognition and the associated landscape plan is required by December 2025.

Engagement with the community on planned upgrades for this reserve was undertaken in 2017. The upgrade was then placed on hold shortly after.

Community engagement

The final design will be subject to budget, but could include the following:

  • A concrete footpath that connects each side of the reserve to the public toilets. This will improve accessibility for the reserve.
  • A small play area, likely to be predominately natural play elements, similar to the recently added play area along Marine Parade (opposite 65 Ocean Beach Road and Te Ngaio Reserve). 
  • Widening of the car park driveway to allow two-way traffic, improving the safety and accessibility of this carpark, with the potential to include a footpath as well.
  • Planting the existing low-lying area in the south-eastern corner of the reserve. It is noted that this boggy area is the last remnant of the Wairākei Stream in Taylor Reserve which used to flow out to the ocean in this location. We intend to plant natives that are happy with damp feet.
  • The creation of an accessible lookout so that people with mobility issues can view the ocean.
  • Cultural elements that recognise the cultural significance of this place.
  • Provision of a BBQ with some shade.
  • Improvements to the eastern and central beach accessways, with the provision of a blue accessibility beach mat at the central beach accessway.
  • Planting of dune species and other coastal amenity species between the concrete footpath and the sand dunes.
  • Plant a small number of trees to provide shade within the reserve.

Taylors Reserve

Taylors Reserve - Concept Plan (182kb pdf)


Community engagement
May/June 2024

Apply for resource consent
August 2024

Widen the existing carpark driveway (subject to consent being granted)
Autumn 2025

Construction of concept plan begins
Winter/Spring 2025

Waterford Downs Reserve

A new shared path has been built to better connect the amenities in Waterford Downs Reserve and link to Pacific View Road. New shade sails are up over the playground and seating and tables have been installed.

New shade sails are up over the playground at Waterford Downs Reserve
New shade sails are up over the playground at Waterford Downs Reserve

Doncaster Drive Reserve

New shade sails and bike racks have been installed at Doncaster Drive Reserve.

New shade sails at Doncaster Drive Reserve
New shade sails at Doncaster Drive Reserve

Other reserves projects underway in Pāpāmoa

Key information

Project type
Parks and recreation
Health and wellbeing


Pāpāmoa/Pāpāmoa East

Key dates

  • Waterford Downs Park

    April/May 2024
  • Doncaster Drive Reserve

    April/May 2024
  • Wairākei/Taylor Reserve upgrades planning

    Starts June 2024

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Spaces and Places
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000


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