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Arataki Bus Hub

Whakahoutanga Taunga Pahi o Arataki

Arataki bus hub upgrade

We're upgrading the Arataki bus hub and improving accessibility and safety in the area.

With more than 40,000 bus passengers a month, Arataki is the second busiest bus hub in Tauranga, with many drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians also passing through the area to access schools and Bayfair Shopping Centre. Following the community’s calls for better shelters and a safer environment, we're giving the bus hub a much-needed upgrade. The upgrade will make travelling by bus more user-friendly, improve safety during transit, and provide a friendlier welcome to and departure from Arataki.

Improvements include:

  • Replacing existing Farm Street shelters with new high-quality, high-capacity shelters along each side of the road. These shelters will be modern, well lit, and feature decorative cultural elements from local hapū.
  • A new street furniture suite designed to reflect the area including open seating, bicycle parking and rubbish bins.
  • Enhanced pedestrian crossings, wider footpaths, and a new shared user path for safer access to and from the bus hub and Bayfair for cyclists, pedestrians, wheelchair users, skaters, and scooter riders.
  • Improved streetlights, and new CCTV monitoring to enhance visibility, safety and reduce crime.
  • Landscaping for a greener and more beautiful neighbourhood with more shade.
  • New signage and information boards to help people get where they need to go, no matter how they’re travelling.
  • Wider accessibility and placemaking between Girven Road and Concord Avenue may follow in late 2024, subject to funding.

Downer NZ have been awarded the contract by Tauranga City Council.

Farm Street bus hub

Arataki bus hub render

Arataki bus hub render 2

Project timings

Construction began on Monday, 5 August 2024, and is expected to be completed in October 2024 (weather dependent).

While there is some noise and vibration associated with this work, we aim to keep disruption to a minimum. Our hours of work will be 7am to 5pm Monday – Friday.

Traffic management

To deliver this upgrade safely and efficiently, the existing bus shelters and footpaths in the work site on Farm Street are closed during construction and a temporary pedestrian pathway has been installed. During construction, vehicle access through the site is one-way only with entry from Taupo Avenue, with access to Bayfair Shopping Centre maintained at all times. This temporary traffic arrangement allows us to complete the works in less time.

Temporary bus stops

The Farm Street bus stops have been moved approximately 80 metres towards Concord Avenue during construction. Stops and routes are clearly signposted, and traffic controllers are available to help bus patrons during working hours.

View routes from temporary bus stops

See the map below or for more information on Bayhopper bus services visit www.baybus.co.nz.

Temporary bus changes map


Since 2018 we’ve conducted exhaustive and comprehensive options analysis for possible locations, and several rounds of community consultation have been completed. These identified Farm Street as the preferred location for the bus hub. This is supported by Bay of Plenty Regional Council (service provider).

The upgrade will complement other upcoming projects in Arataki such as a new signalised crossing for Girven Road, intersection improvements and new raised pedestrian crossings at Oceanbeach Road, Maranui Street, and Girven Road, and safety enhancements on Links Avenue.


With more than 40,000 bus passengers a month, Arataki is the second busiest bus hub in Tauranga, with many drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians also passing through the area to access schools and Bayfair Shopping Centre. We’ve heard the community’s calls for better shelters and a safer environment. The upgrade will make travelling by bus more user-friendly, improve safety during transit, and provide a friendlier welcome to and departure from Arataki.

Improved streetlights, and new CTTV monitoring will enhance visibility in the area. Enhanced pedestrian crossings, wider footpaths, and a shared path will provide safer access for cyclists, pedestrians, wheelchair users, skaters, and scooter riders.

Since 2018 we’ve conducted exhaustive and comprehensive options analysis for possible locations, and several rounds of community consultation have been completed. These identified Farm Street as the preferred location for the bus hub. This is supported by Bay of Plenty Regional Council (service provider).

The upgrade will complement other projects in Arataki such as a new signalised crossing for Girven Road, intersection improvements and new raised pedestrian crossings at Oceanbeach Road, Maranui Street, and Girven Road, and safety enhancements on Links Avenue.

To deliver this upgrade safely and efficiently the existing bus shelters and footpaths in the work site on Farm Street will be closed during construction and a temporary pedestrian pathway will be installed. Vehicle access through the site will be one-way only, entering from Taupo Avenue and, access to Bayfair Shopping Centre will remain at all times. This temporary traffic arrangement will allow us to complete the works in less time.

Farm Street bus stops will temporarily shift about 80 metres further north (toward Concord Avenue) during construction. Stops and routes will be clearly signposted, and traffic controllers will be available to help bus patrons during working hours. For more information on Bayhopper bus services visit www.baybus.co.nz.

As part of efforts to alleviate traffic congestion and improve the flow of pedestrian and vehicle movement in the area, Bay of Plenty Regional Council has committed to minimising layovers on surrounding streets and utilising a repurposed bus stop along Girven Road.

Key information

Project type
Transport and movement


Mount Maunganui / Arataki

Key dates

  • Bus stops installed on Farm Street

    June 2018
  • Business Case – investigating locations for the new facility

    November 2021
  • Community feedback on locations

    December 2021 – January 2022
  • Business case investigation and findings presented to Commissioners to identify preferred site and improvements

    May 2022
  • Farm Street design open for feedback

    August 3 2022
  • Review feedback and consider approach to business case development

    October 2022 – July 2023
  • Physical testing of pavement and services begins

    10 April 2024
  • Detailed design finalised and project goes to tender

    Late April 2024
  • Contractor approved

    June 2024
  • Arataki bus hub upgrade begins

    August 2024
  • Arataki bus hub upgrade complete

    October 2024

Who's listening

Community Relations Team
Tauranga City Council

07 577 7000

We’re partnering with

Bay of Plenty Regional Council and mana whenua

The project is led by Tauranga City Council in partnership with Bay of Plenty Regional Council and mana whenua.

Other ways to get involved

Tauranga is your city. We're working to make it even better.

Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand |Terms of use|Privacy statement

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