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Dive Crescent car park re-opens - over 100 car parks in the city centre available

Dive Crescent
The newly upgraded Dive Crescent car park in the city centre is now open for public us

Great news for people visiting the city centre – the off-street car park along Dive Crescent is open again, with the first stage of the planned upgrade now complete.

The car park reopened on Monday, 14 August with over 100 car parks available for the community to use.

The improvements made to the car park included additional lighting and landscaping to make the area safer to use and more attractive; enhancing this key gateway into our city centre.

The hourly rate for using the car park will be $3.50 and there will be a maximum daily charge of $8 per day during weekdays between the hours of 8am and 5pm.

As with all car parks in the city centre, it will be free for people to use after 5pm on weekdays, and on weekends and public holidays.

Stage two of the Dive Crescent car park upgrade, the southern portion, will commence in October. This will provide another 40 car parks for the community to use. The expansion means the temporary basketball court along Dive Crescent will need to be relocated.

This upgrade is just one of the many exciting projects underway to help revitalise the city centre and transform the waterfront so it becomes a premier destination; a place where locals and visitors can spend time, enjoy, and connect more easily with the water and wider area.

To learn more about our city centre transformation plans, please visit our website: www.tauranga.govt.nz/ourfuturecitycentre

Posted: Aug 15, 2023,

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