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Connecting community and council in the Mount

Mount aerial image

A new community collaboration space will make it easier for Mount locals and visitors to connect with Tauranga City Council, to learn more about what’s happening in the area, and provide input on projects and initiatives.

Fit-out on the leased premises at 9 Prince Avenue will commence shortly and council has worked closely with local architects to develop a cost-effective and user-friendly space that can be reconfigured for multiple uses.

“The Mount has grown rapidly and there’s a lot of work underway or planned in the area to accommodate growth, like improving roads and making them safer, building better infrastructure for cycling, public transport, and pedestrians, and upgrading parks, facilities, and public spaces for everyone’s enjoyment, now and in the future,” says Commission Chair Anne Tolley.

“This space will make it easier to shed some light on these projects and allow the community to connect with staff, face-to-face. It’s also a chance to celebrate local history and culture, share the stories of our past and highlight the people and places that are important to the area.”

Anne highlights the importance of connecting with the Mount community and says the new venue will enable opportunities for collaboration.

“There is a lot going on and it’s vital we continue to work with the community to recognise and accommodate their needs and aspirations,” she says.

“This new space gives people the ability to drop-in and chat with staff, read up on projects, find out where to get more information, or get more involved in project workshops or co-design sessions.”

Mount Maunganui Office Manager Jeremy Glass emphasises that as a multipurpose space, the facility layout needs to be adaptable.

“This is a welcoming place for the community to connect with council and to do that effectively, we have to be able to easily alter the layout for meetings, workshops and engagement activities,” says Jeremy.

“The existing tenants have moved out and work will begin shortly to make the space more accessible, more flexible, and to allow for different setups, depending on use. Wherever possible, we will repurpose existing furniture, screens, and equipment from other council offices.

“Looking to the future, we hope to make this space available for other community groups and partner organisations to benefit from too.”

Fit-out is expected to be complete in early-May, with a view to opening soon after. For more on projects in the Mount area visit www.tauranga.govt.nz/mountprojects.

Posted: Mar 27, 2023,

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