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Your community, your ideas, your chance – Mount to Arataki

Mount to Arataki

We’re planning for the future of the Mount to Arataki area and want to hear your ideas for making it easier to get around, enhancing our natural environment, improving parks and community facilities, keeping our community healthy active and safe, and improving our shopping entertainment and business districts.

With Mauao, the beach, great schools and neighbourhoods, fantastic shopping, cafes, dining and entertainment options and a relaxed vibe, we all know Mount to Arataki is a unique and special little corner of the world, and it’s no surprise people want to come here.

There’s no doubt the area’s getting busier and we’re getting busier too - building the infrastructure we need to support our communities, now and in the future.

Tauranga City Council Commission Chair Anne Tolley says that although some work is already underway, the community’s input via the online survey or engagement events is vital and will help shape a plan for the area for the next thirty years.

“We know locals and visitors alike are passionate about the Mount and we want you to tell us what you love about this area, what needs to change, and what matters most to you and your whānau."

“We are not starting from scratch here. We have heard a lot of feedback about the Mount to Arataki area but capturing a wider range of views now will help us build on what we already understand and give us a clearer picture,” Anne says.

“There is some catching up to do and there are some projects already underway to provide essential infrastructure. We know this causes disruptions, but we need to do what’s necessary now, while continuing to plan for the future.” 

Feedback from the online survey, as well as engagement workshops and other conversations with tangata whenua, key community and business groups, clubs, schools, facilities and organisations, will help us to form a draft plan, connecting all projects to create an overall vision for where the Mount to Arataki area is heading.

Later in the year, we’ll ask people to let us know what they think of the draft plan, and the areas of focus and priorities proposed, before it goes to council for approval.

We are also getting ready to have a conversation with the community about some other important issues, including how we manage parking for the area and planning for natural hazards, flood prevention and impacts of climate change.

Share your thoughts here: www.tauranga.govt.nz/mounttoarataki, or come and have a chat at one of our community events.

Drop-in sessions:

  • Saturday 18 March Bayfair Kiosk (near Macpac) 10am-2pm.
  • Wednesday 22 March, 9 Prince Avenue, 4-7pm.
  • Monday 27 March, Arataki Community Centre, 5.30pm-8pm.
  • Tuesday 4 April, 9 Prince Avenue, 4pm-7pm.
Posted: Mar 13, 2023,

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