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Come and play in Tauranga’s city centre this summer

Summer is here and so too is a great opportunity for people of all ages to enjoy a fun-filled range of events in Tauranga’s city centre over the coming months.

‘Summer in our city centre’ is a Tauranga City Council initiative, supported by Downtown Tauranga, aimed at encouraging locals and visitors to take part in a fun-filled calendar of events in the city centre. Activities on offer range from dawn yoga and movies at dusk, to live music, Christmas carols on the waterfront, Santa’s grotto, a bombing competition, concerts, light installations and more.

Commission Chair Anne Tolley says Council is committed to revitalising the city centre after the challenges it has faced in recent years.

“We recognise that the beating heart of Tauranga has faded, and COVID-19 certainly hasn’t helped. We’re already making strides towards breathing life back into the area, with exciting projects like the waterfront transformation and civic precinct development soon to get underway, but it will be some time before the city centre reaches its full potential,” says Anne.

“The festivities planned for the city centre this summer are a great way to instantly inject some fun and vibrancy into the area, support local businesses, and give people a taste of what they can expect in the future.

“We encourage everyone to visit the city centre this summer with their friends and whānau, and enjoy making memories together while taking part in the fun events on offer.”

City Development & Partnerships General Manager Gareth Wallis says the city centre has already been enlivened in recent weeks with popular events such as the ‘In Bloom’ music festival, the ‘Shapes of Summer’ light installations along The Strand, and the Night Owl Cinema events, which kicked off in October.

"It's been fantastic to see people already out and about in the city centre, taking part in these events and making the most of the great places to eat and drink," says Gareth.

“With the events planned for summer, this vibrancy will continue to grow. There’s such a variety of activities on offer so there’s bound to be something for everyone.”

Gareth says one event that is expected to pull in the crowds is the ‘Tauranga Moana Bomb Comp’, to be held on the waterfront on Sunday, 18 December.

“We’re encouraging kids and adults to register and start perfecting their manu and staples now, so they can challenge their mates and family members on the day.

“I’m sure we’re in for an entertaining display, and there will be other activities happening at the same time for those of us not up for making a splash!”

The Tauranga Harbour Ferry is operating between Tauranga Waterfront and Salisbury Wharf at the Mount throughout the summer season, on days that cruise ships are visiting.

Downtown Tauranga spokesperson Sally Cooke says there’s also two special sailings, with Santa, on Saturday, 3 December.

“The public can book to travel with Santa on the 10am and 11am ferry from the Mount to Downtown Tauranga that day, as he makes his way to his Grotto in Red Square.”

To keep up to date with what’s happening in our city centre over summer, and for more information about ferry bookings, head to My Tauranga - Summer.

Tauranga Moana Bomb Comp

This is a free event to celebrate the start of the school holidays, with the beautiful backdrop of Te Awanui Tauranga Harbour.

The competition will take place at the public wharf along the waterfront in the city centre on Sunday, 18 December, between 12pm and 3pm. Free Mr Whippy Ice Cream and a sausage sizzle will be on offer for those who are there early, while live music from the John Michaelz Black Brothers Band will play after the winners are announced, from 3pm to 4pm.

The competition is open to people aged 10 and older. Hads Te Huia from Bomblife New Zealand will host and judge the bombing competition, along with some of his respected peers.

Entries are limited, so people are encouraged to sign up quickly to secure a spot. Registrations can be made by clicking on the relevant age group links below or heading to My Tauranga - Summer. Conditions of entry are included on the registration form.

Entry form for people aged 10-12 years

Entry form for people aged 13-15 years

Entry form for people aged 16+ years

Posted: Dec 1, 2022,

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