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Chapel Street and Maxwells Road crossing upgrade

Latest update

Works are currently underway, with construction expected to take around eight weeks to complete, ending late August, weather dependent.

Traffic management update – week starting 19 July

The turning from Maxwells Road onto Chapel Street is currently closed. A detour is in place directing traffic via Pillans Road, Seaview Road, Bureta Road, and Vale Street to reach Chapel Street. 

The Chapel Street pathway on the western side is currently closed, starting opposite Bay Central Shopping Centre (on the harbour side) up until a small section of Maxwells Road. An alternative route is available on the opposite side of the road for pedestrians and cyclists, with signage in place to provide direction.

A reduced speed limit of 30km/h is in place on this section of Chapel Street.

Why are we doing it?

We're upgrading the pedestrian crossing near the Chapel Street and Maxwells Road intersection to a staggered signalised crossing to improve safety.

This busy crossing has experienced numerous near misses in recent years and is a major route for schoolchildren. The upgrade will enhance safety for all road users by improving visibility and reducing vehicle entry speeds.

As part of the works, we will also be widening a small section of the connecting pathway on Chapel Street for shared pedestrian and cyclist use.

Works will include: 

  • converting the pedestrian crossing into a staggered signalised crossing (where pedestrians cross in two stages, with a waiting area in between)
  • widening the current footpath up to 2.4m for shared pedestrian and cyclist use
  • landscaping

We’ll be working from Monday to Friday, between 7am and 7pm, and on selected Saturdays and Sundays.  There will be night works between 22 July and 1 August 2024. Some activities may produce noise and dust.

The work schedule may change without notice due to weather or other factors affecting the above dates.  

Project timing

Works started on Monday, 1 July 2024, with construction expected to take around eight weeks to complete, ending late August, weather dependent.

Traffic management

Traffic management will be in place to improve traffic flow. We’ll use a stop/go system and reduce the speed limit to 30km/h on Chapel Street between Marsh Street and Vale Street, and on a small section of Maxwells Road leading up to the intersection.

Access between Maxwells Road and Chapel Street may be restricted during certain stages of the work. Various minor detours and lane closures will be in place for the different stages of the work.

Staff will be on site to help pedestrians cross Chapel Street safely and provide guidance to alternative routes when the crossing or pathway is closed.

We apologise for any inconvenience while this work is completed and thank you for your patience.

Parking and cars   

Parking spaces will be limited on Chapel Street and Maxwells Road at certain times. This may extend to the detour routes when needed. 

Chapel Street and Maxwells Road crossing upgrade


Why are you upgrading the pedestrian crossing to a staggered signalised crossing?

The pedestrian crossing is located near the Chapel Street and Maxwells Road intersection and spans three lanes of traffic. The current crossing design can lead to reduced visibility, particularly for cars in the inner lane whose view of pedestrians may be obscured when vehicles in the outer lane stop.

The new staggered signalised crossing will improve safety by allowing pedestrians to cross to the median while one side of traffic is at a full stop, before activating the crossing to the other side.

Won’t this slow traffic in the area?

The staggered signalised crossing is designed to minimise traffic disruption by ensuring that vehicles in each direction only need to stop one side at a time.

Can we still use the pathways and crossing during construction?

The crossing will be available to use during the works. While the new crossing is installed, a temporary crossing will be available to use. When pathways are under construction, alternative routes will be provided.

Posted: Jul 8, 2024,

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