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Takiwā o Te Tēhe

Welcome Bay Neighbourhood

Welcome to the Welcome Bay Ward. Find out what projects are happening around where you live, work and play, and learn more about your neighbourhood.

Welcome Bay parks improvements

Welcome Bay parks improvements

We live in a wonderful part of New Zealand and in Welcome Bay there are many great parks and reserves enjoyed by the community.

Welcome Bay Ward

This ward is home to nearly 19,000 people and includes Welcome Bay, Maungatapu, Kaitemako, Hairini and Ohauiti. It is a popular place to live as it is close to the water with wonderful views out to the city. As this area doesn’t have a shopping centre or high school this community is reliant on travelling to services, including supermarkets and other community facilities, which are located in other suburbs. Over the years the main road to Welcome Bay has become increasingly congested so transportation to the city centre is an important issue for local residents. This ward also includes rural residents that have specific needs related to rural living. 

Visit Welcome Bay

There's so much to see and do in our beautiful backyard. Use the links below to find out more.

Neighbourhood Map

Welcome Bay ward map

Ward boundary map (8mb pdf)

Let's talk Tauranga newsletter

If you want to stay updated about consultations, sign up for our Kōrero mai - Let’s talk Tauranga newsletter.

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Welcome Bay Parks

Welcome Bay parks improvements

We live in a wonderful part of New Zealand and in Welcome Bay there are many great parks and reserves enjoyed by the community e.g. Tye Park, Waitaha Reserve, Johnson Reserve, and Pelorus Drive Reserve.

Check out the project

Safety improvements around Welcome Bay

Short-term infrastructure projects happening in Welcome Bay.

Welcome Bay projects

Check out the projects happening in your neighbourhood.

We're on it! Projects in progress

Connecting the people. Fifteenth Avenue to Welcome Bay Road

Our city is growing fast. The Fifteenth Avenue, Turret Road and Welcome Bay Road route links many communities and is going to become increasingly important as our city grows.

  • City centre
  • Maungatapu / Matapihi
  • Welcome Bay / Ohauiti / Oropi

Last updated:
Sep 2, 2024

Private Plan Change 39 - Upper Ohauiti Land Rezoning

To help meet the housing requirements of a growing city, a portion of land on Upper Ohauiti Road is proposed to be rezoned to a Medium Density Residential Zone.

  • Welcome Bay / Ohauiti / Oropi

Last updated:
Aug 19, 2024

Johnson Reserve Renewal Works

We’re undertaking maintenance works in Johnson Reserve in late 2024.

  • Welcome Bay / Ohauiti / Oropi

Last updated:
Aug 1, 2024

Welcome Bay parks improvements

We live in a wonderful part of New Zealand and in Welcome Bay there are many great parks and reserves enjoyed by the community.

  • Welcome Bay / Ohauiti / Oropi

Last updated:
Jul 16, 2024

Rowesdale Drive, Ohauiti

The outcome of Council’s investigation to facilitate access for potential urban development of land in the Ohauiti area.

  • Welcome Bay / Ohauiti / Oropi

Last updated:
Apr 1, 2024


Citywide project

Information here about citywide projects.

Check out the Citywide projects

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